Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Vday to all

Belated Vday to all who is reading this! yupz.. spent my this year Vday kinda like simple.. didnt do any much things with my beloved bitch.. went for dinner with her parent. its kinda meaningful dinner becuz its spending it with her although its just a simple dinner at a simple restuarant.

Where Do Love Will Bring You To.

well, LOVE is kinda Sacred word to all. its a very meaningful word too. If a couple is seriously into a relationship, i believe, IN FACT, both of them will do anything. and i mean ANYTHING for each other. its so nice to see couple loving each other so much and do things together. nevertheless, i have my beloved bitch too.. she will do everything for me. for that, i really treasure her love and herself. happy V'day to u my bitch.