Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry x'mas

seems like this yr's x'mas is not as fun compared to last year.. but still.. we have a hell of fun! check out some of the pics!

Hell of a FUN!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

too far to relax

its been awhile since my last update. had been busy lately with school's project and also attachment. too many events coming up and also events had passed. erm... dun think i would post any pic today nor next few weeks, cuz i just bloody FORMATTED my laptop! ARGH! the best thing is that i FORGOT to BACKUP! wtf~ how smart am i.

well, erm.. busy with my FYPJ last few mths but till now i still cant finish! lolx.. i still left an integration to go to complete it.

today is my 3rd day of my attachment at Electronic Arts™ (EA). yupz.. it is so cool to be there. i'm there as a tester, testing for bugs and errors in games which is UNRELEASE yet. What UNRELEASE game am i testing now? HA! you get to know soon in future... lolx.. cool rite? saw so many console there. Xbox360,PS2,PS3,NDS and many more!

hmm.. but life's there kinda like sucks and also kinda fun! lolx.. contradicting? lolx..

SUCKY part
-have to wake up early like 0645hrs
-playing and testing game that always CRASH
-keep testing and playing a stage of the game for more than 8hrs
-keep on resetting

FUN part
-get to experience how a big company works
-get to know new friends from other school which studies the same logic as me
-get to test and play UNRELEASE game
-get to use new console / platform

well, so thats mostly about it for now.. err.. i will try to update more often ya?