Sunday, January 29, 2006


hello guys!!! haha.. i'm back from the mysterious MIA! lolx.. it had been a terrible weeks for me... busy with so many things! OMG! oh ya... firstly, i would like to wish all my readers a HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! hahha... yupz... gosh... i got myself into an expensive hobby recently.. haha.. collecting and buying street wear! haha.. as well as those rare items... haha.. yupz.. shopped for my new yr clothes alr.. gonna wear it tomolo! hahhaa..

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my new LEVIS shoe! haha.. limited only 200 pieces in SG

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last but not least, my FAVOURITE! BATHING APE!
haha.. still to come.. ED-HARDY's KINGKONG ver. cap
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last but not least, a special gift from my beloved GENEVIEVE! to replace my lost thumb drive. its a SONY 1GB MIRCO VAULT.

woo! i simply just love those stuff!

hmm.. renioun dinner today was nice, but it was abit rush! haha.. rushed to my mother side for dinner, then back to change, then again! went to gen's gramps place for dinner again! haha.. but it was really worth it! yea~ stuffing myself with lots of abalone and sliced beef... the beef was terrific! and the price of it is more terrific! $100+++ per KG! haha.. yea~ more to come, my long waiting... LOUIS XIII!!!!!!! i actually TASTED it there! WTH! it is so so so BLURDY NICE! i dare to say it, its BETTER than cordon bleu! haha.. woo~ *thumbs up* yupz.. wad a wonderful dinnerS today... there's an another one tomolo again! haha.. to sum up everything, again, i wish all of u a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and a prosperous year ahead! CHEERS!