Sunday, November 20, 2005

tiring day

tiring day

went drinking ytd night.. after tt, dota~ lolx.. till dawn.. yawns~ so tired.. slpt only for like 2 hrs only.. then woke up alr.. all the way till now.. *yawn* went for driving, after tt, straight to work! lolx.. yesh~ finally start work alr.. ya.. first day of working kicks off nicely.. doin nth the whole day.. just sit and loiter ard there, kept record of boats coming in and out only.. then the rest of the time just sit on the chair and enjoy the view of the harbour.. oh ya.. the night view there is nice! could view the whole sentosa! lolx.. isnt it such a nice job to do? haha.. i would just rot myself there! haha.. walk, sit, loiter, eat, see and day dreaming! haha.. and get gd pay! $.$! hahha.. ya.. tired~ tml still got work.. gtg for now.. need lots of rest~ haha.. nitez~

Thursday, November 17, 2005

blurdy sun

blurdy sun

looking out the window, the sun looks great for tanning... but once i step out the house, blurdy kuku.. dark clouds formed up.. argh~ but nvm.. thot it will be over soon, so continue heading to the swimming complex... applied tanning lotion, lied down. argh! fiak, drizzling started~ knn lor.. but since i'm there, no choice but to continue swimming.. yupz.. after swim, went to meet tiong and cal. rain getting heavier and heavier every sec.. sh*t lor.. haiz..but after an hour plus, rain started to rest.. then went back to the pool again! YESH! AGAIN! lolx.. can u believe? haha.. swim 2 times a day! lolx.. yupz.. forget abt the session lah.. haiz.. still couldnt get tanned! argh~ I WANNA GET TANNED! yupz.. anyway, got a new job alr. starting this sat! haha.. so happy, finally, after a long brk, finally could start working again~ all thanks to jody! haha.. my god-ma. lolx.. well, logging off now.. too tired after the swim. zZz

Sunday, November 13, 2005

boring town

boring town

oh man.. its another boring trip to town today, met up with calvin and wei tiong to town just now... went to far east shopping center to play billard awhile with them, then after tt met up with nai gong, vincent , martin and hong.. went to lido for dinner. after tt, went to the top to sit and think of places to go.. it was like so bored lor.. everywhere seems bored~ ya.. oh, guess wad, when i msg shan* she was at borders.. wow~ so near, it seems like something had enlighten! haha.. but who knows, she goin off le.. aww... (sad).. ya.. oh ya.. and also also.. saw tt PIGGY again! wahhaa.. so stress talking to her~ lolx.. yupz.. so, just an hi and a bye and then back to sms.. lolx. yupz.. in the end, went to park lane.. to a pub named UNGERGROUND. guess wad, saw lynette! lolx.. she also chill there.. lolx.. ya.. well, anyway, its bored over there~ but well, tt piggy is so gd.. she accompanied me to chat~ thanks piggy~ *hugs* yupz.. chat for like 2 hrs.. then its time to go back le.. haha.. only drank a few glasses then went back le.. waste of time rite?! haiz.. ya.. msg shan* when on my way back.. surprising tt she is still awake.. lolx.. yupz.. anyway, time to go~ got things on~ tata

Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage
You've dated enough to know what you want.And that's marriage - with the right person.You're serious about settling down some time soon.Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to!

You're a Shy Kisser

You *do* love to kiss, once your comfortable with itAnd that means knowing the person you're kissing pretty wellYou usually don't make the first move when it comes to making outBut you've got plenty of intensity in return
What Kind of Kisser Are You?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

sg life

sg life

woo~ so fast so fast... back in sg for a week alr.. life in aust is so relax.. everyday eat,slp and dota.. ahhaa.. but back in sg, phew.. soooo many things to do. haha.. yupz.. bought some stuff back from aust.. my fav adidas vintage shoe! yea~ cost me a bomb buying tt.. hmm.. lets talk abt wad i done this week.. well, once i reached sg, i start burning up my FATS alr.. haha.. cannot tahan with those fats with me.. lolx.. went jogging and all kinda sports.. went to town on monday for a walk.. its been a while since my last visit there.. saw this cap from ed hardy damn... normal design, and it cost $221.. yes! its SG$221.. wth! not worth it man.. ya.. went to malaysia on wed. went to color,highlight and trim my hair at malaysia's REDS salon. actually not tt ex.. cost ard SG$70. i think its worth it as REDS is a famous salon. yupz.. but myself a couple of shirt from crossover. its cheap! so cheap! cost ard SG$ 40-50 per shirt. there are alot more new design there by famous designers, eg like obey, x-large, radioactive and of cuz, crossover itself. yupz.. friend gt caught at custom for smuggling cigarette! lolx.. lucky the fine is not tt ex. yupz.. lesson today was so boring.. stupid lecturer cock up the lesson.. make us came at 8am then he 9am then reach, then tell us we today no lesson and those yr 1s came in! blurdy kuku.. we complain and complain, till he ask those yr 1s to leave! wahhaha.. then he had a lecture to us. thot it would be interesting, but who knows, all he talk are RUBBISH! YES! RUBBISH! haha.. slpt the whole morning.. till noon, took couple of funny pic~ haha.. guess wad, it contain explicit contents! bleahhh =X

Thursday, November 03, 2005

brunei transit

brunei transit

yawns... its gonna be long hours for me here... i'm here in brunei airport! again! bored! alone! *lots of complain* before when i went to sydney, i came here for a 4 hours of transit waiting alone~ and now, when i'm goin back, i have to stop here again! for another 4 hours of transit! its getting the hair out of me! i'm super bored! well, spent the first 2 hours reading my MAXIM mag (UK ver.) and now, rotting at the cybercafe to pass time. *someone, pls entertain me!* yupz.. luckily got some friends of mine who are online and help mi to pass alittle time. as i mentioned before, i was goin to have a shopping spree in aust, but sadly, i didnt. didnt got much things for myself, but i roughly got wad i need. yupz.. got my adidas vintage shoe! yea~ so happy... this time i didnt have much beach stuff on my shopping list, but i got vintage stuffs on it! lolx.. Puma, was the brand..(well, it sounds like its not really a nice brand) but anyway, i like their designs... its cool~ yupz... gonna start sch next week...and guess wad, mine FREAKING TIMETABLE IS STILL NOT OUT! wad the hell... wad the sch is doin while other courses got theirs?!?! anyway, look on the brighter side.. erm.. gonna spend this coming weekend well with my buds... hopefully i could meet them later... i'll be back in sg in less then 5 hours.. lolx.. well.. gonna sign off here first... byes~