Sunday, October 23, 2005



somethings come somethings go. life really like a roller coaster. thot tt it will be a nice ending but in the end, everything had shattered into dust, blown and scattered into the thin air. well, maybe i should just forget abt it.. yupz.. there's still so many wonderful things for me to do~ *wink* yupz.. miss my dota mates.. and my clubbers kakis.. gonna meet up with them when i'm back! haha.. time spins ard me so fast here. days had been passing through me like a river with strong currents. thinking abt it, i left 10 days more in aust. gonna leave me mum soon and back to studies.. sianz.. seems like i have so much things to do when i'm back in SG. anw, lets look on the bright side. gonna tone my self up soon! beach, clubs, dota. I MISS THEM!

Thursday, October 13, 2005



yupz... am in aust now again.. haha.. had been here for abt a week plus le.. still haven start my shopping spree~ haha.. gonna start it soon.. next mon probably? haha.. yupz.. had been rotting the past days... slp and eat.. argh~ gonna be fat le.. cannot go beach anymore, till i tone myself up again.. hehe.. planned to go back to the gym when i reached back in SG. my uncle gonna help mi to get a trainer for me! YEA! erm.. ya.. sad tt i've missed out quite a number of ppl's birthday while i'm on this trip.. sry guys~ hehe.. oh ya~ get to know this gal, piggy, pearly , she is soo funny as well as the same personality as her.. ya.. haiz.. lets me reminded of her again.. but well.. nvm.. its over~ =) and also.. ya ya.. watched the 40 yr old virgin alr.. its damn funny lor.. haha.. guys, better to catch this movie! its nice. last but not least, i'm proud to say that, I'VE CLEARD ALL MY SUBJECTS! wahhaha.. kinda relieved! haha.. can enjoy more alr.. ahha.. no need to worried again!

Saturday, October 01, 2005



yea~ finally.. holiday alr.. haha.. yupz.. had been busy with the proj. but guess wad, we got wad we deserved.. hahah.. our proj had impressed our indep marker! yea! they like our work., haha.. yupz.. oh ya.. pass few days got really high! hahha.. went to a friend's pub.. drank beer! haha.. but its still ok, later on, 11 shots of different liqours! hahaha... yupz.. anyway, its over now.. holiday now.. gonna go back to aust on the 5th.. haha... yupz.. will be there for a mth.. well... cant blog more now.. gtg...