Sunday, September 11, 2005


sianz... broke again.. haha.. yupz.. went jogging today! yeah! finnaly start my joggin again.. aww... tiring.. its been awhile since my last jog. ya.. when on my way to jog, saw this beautiful rabbit along my house's corridor.. aww.. so adorable.. play with her awhile.. she's so cute that i wish to bring her back home and forget abt my joggin. hehe.. but i know its cruel.. i think she belongs to someone else.. *sad* >.< yupz.. plan to bring her back after my jog if there is still no one brings her back.. hehe *evil grinz* but too bad.. she is gone.. haiz.. yupz.. booked my TP test alr.. its held on the 10th of feb.. aww... still so long.. sianz... yupz.. tml is the start of my studio proj le.. gonna be busy again.. MON - SAT sia... everyday 8.30 - 6pm... sigh.. oh ya! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERSTAR LEON! lolx.. i would like to say a sorry to him as i didnt turn up on his party today~ hehe.. lets meet up other days bah... happy birthday!

Thursday, September 08, 2005



woo... its been awhile! lolx.. its been awhile since i last blog.. hmm.. recount back its really quite long le.. lolx.. yupz.. recently super duper busy with sch work.. *look at the time* wow~ its alr 3.23am in the morning le.. lolx.. alrite alrite.. blog a short one.. hmm.. well.. as i mentioned, i'm busy with my sch work.. having test this whole week then those weeks previously was busy with tons and piles of assignments..*faints* yupz.. lets talk more abt today.. DaMn~ didnt got into the NWN project (a major proj) combining with the DMD pupils.. sigh.. but well, always look on the brighter side.. =) yupz.. started my driving le.. *finally* lolx.. rushing those practicals.. hoping to pass asap.. lolx.. yupz.. went for an interview for O2 today.. all thanks to zhijian helping mi to find this job.. yupz.. back at home, i started muggin again.. sianz.. still doin on openGL.. later needa hand in.. sigh.. partially done.. yupz.. friday got a test again.. c++!! mOtHeR f*cKeR! thats a killer subject! argh~~ gotta bear with it.. yupz..
lastly, thanks guys for still passing by my blog.. thanks.. phew~ gtg.. *tired*

ps:leng, erm.. if u happen to read this, sms or call mi to confirm to date. thanks! *wink + hugz*