Sunday, July 31, 2005

another sunday

another sunday

sianz ar!! my spine probz comes again~ argh~ had lion dance the pass two days.. haiz.. then today slept the whole day.. didnt eat... yawn~ *slpy again* hehe.. ya.. quite worried abt my granny.. she fainted at home ytd morning and my stupid grandpa dunno how to wake mi up~ *STUPID FOOL* she's better now.. staying at my godma's place.. its better as there are ppl look afetr her there.. yupz.. hope she will recover soon.. *cross finger* ya.. done laundry myself ytd nitez.. haiz.. poor me.. anyway... done my first assignment alr.. haha.. still got 4 more to go.. jia you!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

mathematician sh*t

mathematician sh*t

phew~ its been really long since my last blog.. i'm so sorry guys.. that i hasnt keep updating.. cuz i'm really been so busy with my sch work.. pls forgive me late post. yupz.. now having my term brk, thot of finding a job to survive, but it failed.. haiz.. luck isnt on my side, my cash flow is depleting.. i must cut cost on wadeva i do le.. haiz.. sch work is pilling up.. having 5 assignments on hand now, gonna hand in 3 on the coming week... damn stress..currently i'm writing on a report on any mathematician as my report assignment for my math subject.. it's really quite tough.. but, i'm grateful that i have some great friends ard me, supporting me.. thanks guys.. i'll try to update my blog more often yea? thanks for all who take time and dropby to read my blog.. thanks alot..

Monday, July 18, 2005



HOLY SH*T!! argh... i'm so busy these days.. my school work is piling up! i gotta finshed my school work asap.. sorry for the late update.. but infact, i'm really too busy to blog.. yupz.. had been visiting the gym regularly.. yupz.. DOTA at weekends.. last but not least, studying for my maths test coming up which is TOMOLO! sianz 1/2.. dun wish to study tt but no choice.. haiz.. still got 3 more assignments on hand.. tml need to hand in 1 of them.. sianz.. i need a break~ sigh...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

test again

test again

haiz.. sianz ar~ test coming again.. somemore is maths.. haiz.. had been failing it since this yr starts.. dun wish to fail.. i did study but y cant i clear it? maths to me hasnt been a probz.. but y am i keep failing it in the yr2? sigh... the test coming next tues is quite an impt one.. its a combine chapter test.. hope i can clear it well.. dun wish to be dragged dw this yr becuz of maths.. *cross finger* i will study hard for it.. i will and i believe myself!!!
oh ya! my jie.. hmm.. miss her so much.. she's not working nowadays.. worried abt her.. but these days when we contact, can feel tt she care more for mi le.. haha.. *happy* ya.. hope she will start work soon.. take gd care of urself jie and lets change our bad habit together! *hugs*

Sunday, July 10, 2005

boring sunday

boring sunday

phew~ wad a boring sunday it is.. raining cats and dogs... yupz.. ytd went semb bbq and fishing with ahlong they all.. overall not bad.. its more like a gathering.. yupz.. went back ard 2am.. it may seems early but ya.. oh ya~ sorry for not updating my blogs for u guys, but had been really busy to update.. last week had been rushing my school work.. studying for my test and also rushing my programming assignment.. bored! assignments and assignments... again and again.. gonna go mad with it.. argh~ *berserk* sigh... there are like 3 assignments on my hand now.. so stress... its more like a individual project than assignment.. so stress.. can get my programming rite.. i wanna get it rite, programming gonna stick with my for this life time.. ARGH!!!
//choose my way carefully and with no regrets//

Saturday, July 02, 2005



aww... so disappointed.. missed the talk by Bill Gates yesterday, 1st july, blurdy hell.. out of a thousand five, i'm 1 of them to get the admission pass to the talk but.. haiz.. disappointed and sad.. its a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Bill Gates in person in Singapore.. haiz.. such a waste becuz of sch! aRGH!! not becuz of the lesson i cant go, is that so unfortunately, there is a test that day and the test dose not have a re-test.. haiz.. thats y.. yupz..can only keep the admission pass as a sovenier by him.. yupz.. anyway, went town ytd nite.
went with calvin.. went to play LAN awhile then met up with sylvia.. poor her.. came all the way to town for awhile and go back le.. haha.. cuz we wanna go black and she couldnt get in.. ya.. after sending her to the station with calvin, mi and him went up to chinablack since it is free entry.. ya.. surprisingly ard 12, there is no queue and everyone is getting out of there... hmm.. strange.. but once i reached there, i got the answer why.. haha.. the dance floor and the whole place is super PACKED!!! damn~ the music is great, but the crowd sux! haha.. too many ppl le lahz.. ya.. so went back to cuppage.. thot of goin back.. but kana dragged into the ktv room by calvin they all.. argh~ so.. ya.. at there, didnt sing, just sit there and listen to their "wonderful" concert. haha.. yupz.. thot can go home le after the ktv, but who know?! LAN again?!?! HOLY SH*T!! being dragged there again.. sianz~ i feel so bad.. let her to wait for my call.. made her stayed up the whole nite to wait for my call.. ~sorry~ ya.. got home ard 5+ ya.. slpt ard 7+.. hehe..
went to SimLim just now.. accompany LYS to buy a cpu.. ya. bought myself a thumbdrive and a mouse.. haha.. yupz.. thats all for now.. too long winded le.. haha.. update again soon~