Thursday, June 30, 2005



yoz guys! haha.. its been awhile.. check out my new skin! haha.. how is it? leave comment on it yea? tell mi wad do u guys out there think abt this skin. more sadden no more pain.. i'm overcome it now, she's not my, she dun need mi anymore, she had someone else.. just to wish her all the best in her r/s. yupz.. back to me.. hmm.. wad can i do now? hmm.. *wondering* i think i should leave it to fate to decide my fate.. haha.. dun think too much now.. i'm brighten up.. yea~ if the day mi and her will reunite again, the day will come itself.. no point rushing it.. yupz.. "move on move on!" the inner self keep telling me.. friends ard me telling mi this too.. yea~ had been busy these days with my school work.. squeezed out lots of my brain juice.. thinkin on how to solve my c++ programming.. just hope one day i will be able to master it.. haha.. *day dreaming* yupz.. soo... meanwhile, i have to work hard in my sch work and hope that i will find a new target again soon as well as getting a job soon too!! yea~ all the best to myself! *gambatte!*

Thursday, June 23, 2005

initial D

initial D

yoz! initial D is in theatre now! haha.. watched it the day b4 le.. got free tixs to watch the sneak preview.. yupz.. the show is nice! so many yandaos! haha.. woo! but the ending for the show is not that gd... definately there's going to be a part 2.. haha..
sigh.. on the other side, burdens on me is getting heavier and heavier... finance is getting probz.. bills still that accumulate, still that pile! argh~ really wish to get rid of this burden. really need a job to cover tt.. sigh..
went to watch a band performance concert today with vincent.. not much ppl at the concert. seems like just a practice for the band. the music is not gd.. maybe they are all beginners? haha.. ya.. haiz.. still thinking of my bills.. still searching for solution for it.. headache!! stressed!! sigh!! HAIZ...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

millions of thanks

millions of thanks

woo~ finally, birthday is over.. yupz.. am happy.. i would like to thanks all the ppl out there who send mi wishes to me.. am really glad and touched.. this is my first ever birthday that i had received so many wishes and presents... thanks alot..and also.. oh ya.. thanks HL.. my beloved jie.. she didnt forget my bday.. hehe.. thanks... yupz..
now the sorries.. erm.. sorry that i didnt spent with my best buddy.. zell.. time dun permits us.. sorry.. hope u dun tkae it in heart.. u r my best buddy..
ytd.. met sylvia first to get my present! hehe.. *smiles* ya.. then went dinner with her.. after that then proceed to meet nai gong and vincent... great brothers! ya.. sad to say that didnt go to rogue.. but went to rav instead... leng was there already.. woo~ she is sweet... such a warm bday hug she gave to me when i saw her.. thanks alot leng~ *hugz* yupz.. got into the vip sits with calvin they all.. over 20 ppl in our grp.. haha.. that was alot.. half the dance floor is packed with our friends.. haha.. r&b all night.. fun! but eventually.. got bored as time ticks away.. tired! didnt slpet well ytd.. yupz.. anw.. really glad, once again.. thanks.. they made mi like a star there.. haha.. everyone there wishes me.. am so glad.. toast liqiour in the middle of the dance floor.. haha... and also, there is sooo PACKED! sweat sweat sweat! first time in my clubbing history that my shirt is soak with sweat!! eewww... yupz.. decided to rest and cool dw already.. sit at the sits there to chill.. saw leng again.. she was with her friends... yupz.. somehow.. she saw me! haha.. came over and toasted with me.. yupz.. another hug from her.. hehe..yupz.. after that, went out for a talk with her.. yupz.. its been awhile since my last time saw her.. haha.. lots to catch up with her.. hugs hugs hugs.. reaaly received lots of hugs from her..realli need hugs.. haha.. thanks alot leng.. great pal to be... yupz.. time is reaching the end of the party.. yupz.. hang ard outside to see where they heading.. in the end, everyone went back.. so me and cal and naigong went to had supper at yishun. once a again.. a hug from leng AGAIN! ahhaa.. thanks alot.. hope to see u soon again.. =-) that put a nice full stop to my bday party.. thanks guys.. thanks alot.. quite sad that i didnt receive any wishes from her which i was waiting for.. but nvm.. time will heal.. still waiting for her.. yupz.. and lastly.. thanks tingz..

Saturday, June 18, 2005

happy birthday to me

happy birthday to me

happy birthday to me, myself and i. phew~ its been awhile since my last update.. haha.. too busy with school work le.. so no time to update.. yupz.. today's my bday! but i dun think there is smt great to celeb to abt~ izzit? *eyes rolling* sad... jie didnt wish me happy bday!!! *whines* anw.. although the eve of my bday,which is ytd, i spent it simple, but i know that there are still guys out there who care and will support me. went to BQ for drink.. martell neat will never be a prob to me, till vincent came and pass me MUGS of beer! ewww~ s*cks! but still manage to gulp dw every single drop! haha.. ya.. after that, went to play LAN! lolx.. its kinda silly but who cares?! everyone enjoys, that is the matter! yupz.. reached home ard 8+ in the morning.. fell aslp after shower.. till 1+, granny woke mi up to eat the "mee sua" yupz.. goin to chx's house later.. to play games.. haha.. yupz.. planned to go rogue later.. after rogue, goin rav.. haha.. full of places! yupz.. goin to rogue to have a look at her.. then to rav b4 12, leng ask mi to dropped by.. haha.. its ok with mi cuz all my friends have tix to there, so its alrite.. hmm.. talking abt birthday wish.. hmmm.. lets make it short and simple.. and the wish is.. "she will forgive me and goin back to the past like how we spent with each other b4."

Monday, June 13, 2005

excited? or sad?

excited? of sad?

hmm.. just came back from billard session.. looking forward to this weekend.. my bday.. am excited abt it.. whether will there be surprise? or will there be boredom.. i not dare to think of it.. thinking of it will only disappoint me.. have no confident this weekend.. friends all not confirm.. planned to go rogue this sat, but.. haiz.. worse to the worst, might be staying at home and watch tv.. sigh.. nightmare haunts me.. not dare to think of it.. help!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

make up for u

I'll Make Up For U
To give back to you
What you've given to me
Would take me nearly an eternity
Through all the special time we've shared
You have taught me to love, learn, and care
Through all the hard times we've been through
Helps to prove our love is true
To give back to you
What you've given to me
Would take me nearly an eternity
But if that's what it takes
It's what I'll do
To prove the love
That I feel for you.

i miss you

i miss you
Why can't I speak when I have so much to tell?
Why can't I write when I have so much in mind?
Why can't I sing when there's music in my heart?
Why can't I dance when there's rythm in the air?
Too many words left unspoken
Too many things left undone
Why can't it be and why can't I?
For all I know this pain deep inside
Took the gladness from my heart.
Is this the pain of missing you?
Is this the reason behind it all?
Hear the agony of my heart
Longing for you and for your touch
Feeling your lips, feeling your face
Missing your kisses and warm embrace.
When will the waiting ever be over?
For as long as were apart I can never be whole
Oh! My Dearest Love
I just want you to know
That my heart is aching because

Saturday, June 11, 2005

hEy gUyS

hEy gUyS

hey guys.. haha.. its been awhile since my last update. changed a new blogskin (obviously). no more darkness,at least for now.ya.. just wish that she will come back to me.. *cross finger* yupz.. went to play DOTA again ytd.. haha.. at CyberDome. its so fun.. sort of like addicted into the game. yupz.. before that when i'm in sch, my head is gonna burst! it's so hard for mi to understand the C++ things.. argh!! as well as the OpenGL codes... this 2 codes will kill me! *scratch head* i really need some enlightenment from someone... can anyone help me?? glPopMatrix? glPushMatrix? WHAT THE F*CK ARE THOSE?!?!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005



today.. after meeting serena in school for lunch, went to arcade to buy my hair wax.. after that, walked serena back to her blk then to mine.. ya.. when i'm alone on my way back to my blk, turned out of the canteen.. saw HER! its wanling! holy sh*t! got stunned in that very moment.. she was just a few steps away from me! in tt contridiction, i turned back and head back into the canteen again.. waiting for her to walk pass behind wall.. silly me.. i thot that this will be the only way to hide from her for this life time.. but..
met fiona to do my tutorials together.. while she study for her test.. ya.. thinking of msg wanling a gd nite msg.. ya.. sent.. am shocked again, she replied.. its not a gd replied but somehow somewhat.. i'm glad and hapi.. at least she finally replied my msg..ya.. things goin back at first.. but eventualy.. it goin smoother and smoother.. ya.. "if fate permits tt".. i'll remember that phrase.. and i'll grab every oppptunities that is given to me from this moment.. never do the wrg things again and anymore! *grapping fists with a loud "YES!"*

Sunday, June 05, 2005



yupz.. haha.. back here to update... went to sentosa ytd.. and it was my worst trip ever to sentosa.. didnt get tanned.. didnt get to play vball.. didnt get to enjoy too! bored~ alot ppl didnt turn up.. blurdy hell~ u guys remember~ all put aeroplace... blurdy hell! yupz... anyway.. went to eat steamboat with zhijian, seetheng and qinghui at marina's "Bin Xian".. yupz.. create a joke there.. haha.. shh.. better dun say out.. haha.. promised zhijian not to say.. haha.. yupz.. after the dinner, went to play bowling.. ya.. although i didnt play, cuz my hands hurts, seeing themselve enjoying, i enjoy myself there too.. its so funny.. hhaa.. yupz.. ard 10+ reached home le.. so tired.. didnt slp more then 24 hours.. cuz the day b4 went to play DOTA with ahlong they all at cyberdome.. yupz..
today woke up ard 12 plus.. slack on bed watching tv till 1+.. got up and eat my honeystar! haha.. yupz.. after that, called up sylvia.. ya.. ask mi to go town to walkwalk.. haha.. ya.. so accompany her to cityhall,citilink,suntec and bugis.. haha.. ya.. eat and eat along the way.. haha.. yupz.. she had to reached khatib by 8 for a meetin.. ya.. so had to leave there early.. yupz.. reached home ard 8+.. sit infront of the comp liaoz.. keep munching things again.. die die.. ya.. ate a few crackers and 2 dumplings.. haha.. die die.. have to do extra work out tomolo le.. haha..yupz.. alrite.. gtg for now.. watching variety show le.. haha.. bye~

Thursday, June 02, 2005



yupz.. didnt blog ytd.. dun feel like bloggin anymore.. but will try to blog it once in awhile.. quite sick of this bloggin things already...well.. anyway, lets start with ytd.. hmm.. where did i went.. [rolling eye].. ya.. went to play LAN with lys,wc,chx.. went to tpy to play.. was excited to go there.. cuz mi so long didnt visit the LAN shop le.. yupz.. reached there.. sianz 1/2.. so many kids.. shouting and running abt.. its dun seems like a LAN shop.. it seems more like a playground! blurdy hell! ya.. since we are there.. might as well play there. yupz.. sat and played DOTA for almost 3 hrs, yupz. its not fun at all.. not as fun as we played in sch.. the place just sux! poor service.. haiz.. ya.. after that, went to makan at the foodcourt there.. after that when on my way back.. dropped by tpy4 giordano shop.. yupz.. saw niza! my wife! wahha.. yupz.. do her a favour.. then there is this new gal there working.. she looks damn familiar lor.. but i dun recall where i've seen her b4.. yupz..
straight back home after that.. planned to go to the gym with vincent and jialing, but in the end.. kana pang seh! sianz~ so stayed at home and be gd boy~ *wink* yupz..
almost late for today's lesson.. overslept.. yupz.. learnt another interesting things today.. making 3D things via codes.. haha.. yupz.. met serena for a quick bite.. after lesson, rushed back.. get myself changed.. then went back to sch for dragon boat trg.. damn shag! think i too long didnt do this kinda tedious work out le.. haha.. exhausted.. lolx. yupz.. reached home.. slack.. the weather is hot.. gonna slp soon.. very slpy le.. yupz..
last but not least.. think she is att le.. am sad.. but i'll bless her.. miss her.. need her.. but everything just cant replay again.. only memories.. replayed over and over again..