Tuesday, May 31, 2005


nice day~

yupz.. second day of my sch~ not bad.. all lecturers are friendly.. interesting course to be and nv regret changin~ yupz.. start off learning how to make a 2D object using MSVS.NET, yupz.. very interesting... and very fun~ yupz..
spending my half of my lunch time alone and the other half with tingz.. haha.. yupz.. eat MAC at bus-stop! wahhaa... ya.. quite pathetic but its sort of like a new exp? haha.. yupz.. went back to my lect again after that... quite bored.. dozed off there and forgot to listen to the assignment assigned.. haha.. yupz.. thanks to hanz for telling mi wad to do for the assignment.. hehe.. yupz..then got another pathetic hr break, spent that break with my D7 classmates.. join them for a lect.. haha.. was chit chatting there... feel so warmly there.. everyone is so close.. just like a family... yupz.. sat beside nat again~ ahha.. we got lotsa rubbish to talk.. nv ending.. hehe.. yupz.. after that hr, went back to my lect again.. ITS MATHS!
but eventually, it didnt turn up bored, but its fun! it keeps mi awake the whole time.. alot of interesting stuff which we didnt know.. example is like " why izzit that 1 hr, its not 100mins but 60 mins?" there is alot of fun fact to be learn there.. yupz.. so maths is FUN! ahha.. yupz.. after class.. was on my way back.. saw zhijian, he meeting nicholas, ya.. so join them for dinner @ chong pang.. yupz.. after eating went back to bath and meet him again for haircut~ yupz.. feel better.. not that heaty anymore~ haha.. yupz! missed the dragon boat training today.. too tired and lazy to go.. shoulders cramp.. must be the gym session ytd.. haha..

Monday, May 30, 2005

gastric strikes?

gastric strikes?

yoz! today is the first day of sch! everything started well.. met WC to go to sch today... happen to have the same time to start sch on mon, althought we r from diff class le.. kinda sad.. but its ok, i persue my on dreams.. yea~ was late again as usual.. waiting for lys to go sch together at yck.. he is always late too.. haha.. makes mi and WC waited for him.. ya... when on the way to sch, saw ken.. yupz.. reached sch.. rushing to my class.. yupz.. everyone was there, again, mi was the last to enter the class.. haha.. yupz.. *bad habit* ya.. basically doin nth today, was listening abt the breifing on the course syllabus.. yupz.. bored~ online chatting with muse~ yupz.. vincent called, askin mi to go gym.. ya.. agree with him le.. meeting him lat.. ya.. after the lesson, went to meet my fav D7 class, which is my ex class. ya.. walking along the corridor, saw alot of familiar faces.. this sch dun seems to be a world of strangers anymore~ yea, everywhere there is friends.. haha.. yupz.. just afraid to see her at my blk.. ya.. cuz i'm consider a design student and using alot of design blks.. yupz.. afraid to see her.. yupz..
saw hengleng when eating.. alot of friends.. include my nbss junior.. hehe.. yupz.. after lunch, plans to meet muse awhile.. but... WTF, GASTRIC STRIKES me! argh~~ pain pain... yupz.. despite of the pain.. mi left sch goin back straight...(sorry muse) ya.. now gonna rest awhile.. later meetin vincent for a gym session! haha.. hope i can cope with that.. hehe.. ya.. tomolo maybe goin back to my dragon boat trg.. yea~ miss the training.. yupz.. oh ya~ thanks muse, for ur concern abt my gastric.. thanks~ (>.<)

Sunday, May 29, 2005

jody's place

jody's place

yupz.. ytd.. spent the whole noon at home.. too lazy to go out.. so slack till late night ard 10+, waiting for zell's call to go to jody's place.. yupz.. she is holding a bbq session at her place.. yupz.. zell went up himself first, meeting sharon under jody's blk first before goin up.. ya. i'm late... haha.. was takin cab to there.. was on the phone talking and didnt realise that i've overshot the turning~ haha.. then no choice, alight from a distance and walk back.. hehe.. yupz.. reached jody's hse ard 11.30.. yupz.. got ourselves settled dw, am eating those bbq food.. jody really is a great host.. take very gd care of us.. making those food warm for us too.. *thanks jody* yupz.. after makan, we went to her rm and see her dogs~ was expecting brownie is ard but too bad, he is at jody's husband friend's place.. wahha.. yupz (brownie = golden retreiver) so left only her joey~ hehe..(joey = shizu) yupz.. joey is cute! yupz..
after that, we got dw and play cards game.. haha.. making sharon drank quite alot.. haha.. yupz.. there's lots of diff kinda drink, dry gin, wine and whisky~ haha.. mixed ard and drink.. yupz.. sharon left early, left mi and zell and jody only~ haa.. ya.. were watching tv, then jody says she wanna make her children slp first, so she went up.. waiting and waiting.. mi and zell predicted that she fell aslp le.. ahha.. ya.. so we help to clear up the house and left the house ourselves and locked to lock~ haha.. *gd nite jody* yupz..
got home ard 4... quite tired.. washed up, then lie on bed watch tv.. only after awhile, i couldnt take it le.. went to slp..
woke up ard 12pm today.. dun think i'm goin out today.. getting ready for tomolo's sch.. haha.. am not bored by sch, but quite excited.. cuz i'm really rotting at home if i kept stayin home.. yupz.. looking forward to learn more things from the new course~ yupz.. gtg for now.. go slack liaoz.. yupz.. update laterz~

Saturday, May 28, 2005


I'm trying to give you the life that I never had,
I can see you're sad,
even when you smile,
even when you laugh,
I can see it in your eyes,
deep inside you want to cry,
But things have gotten so bad between us,
I don't see us ever being together ever again,
Like we used to be when we was teenagers,
But then of course everything always happens for a reason,
I guess it was never meant to be,
But it's just something we have no control over and that's what destiny is,
But no more worries,
rest your head and go to sleep,
Maybe one day we'll wake up,
and this will all just be a dream



yupz.. went for a night movie ytd with sylvia..(which is on the 26th) yupz...she is my buddy whom i treated her like a bro of mine.. yupz.. went to watch kingdom of heaven.. yupz.. quite long winded but overall not bad... yupz.. after movie, sent her back, then went for billard session with vincent they all.. yupz.. then went to makan after that.. saw calvin and his friends.. asking us to play "ali bomb" in the middle of the night! wahaha.. WTF lor.. lolx.. but as popular demand, forced myself to join them too.. haha... can imagine how childish and stupid are they? haha.. ya.. but overall quite fun.. haha.. first time experiencing this.. hehe.. playing that till morning 7am.. wahha.. crazy! lolx.. yupz.. wet back to slp till noon.. met up with sylvia again.. accompany her to town for some shoppin session.. cuz its great singapore sales.. haha.. ya.. went to ZARA to bought some clothing for myself.. haha.. spent quite a long time there choosing my clothes.. haha.. ya.. bought a shirt and boxers.. haha.. yupz.. saw couple of friends there in town too.. after town went to novena to find zell.. haha.. he was working there... yupz.. it was so rush.. cuz sylvia wanna buy perfume from bodyshop, so mi accompany her to zell's there.. yupz..after that mi rush home.. thot gonna have bball session.. hhaa.. but in the end, didnt went.. ya.. slack at home.. awhile later, my friends called mi to go over to jimmy's bday celebrate at MOS.. ya.. despite the techno there.. it bored mi.. ya.. no mood.. hehe.. later on they suggested to go to sparks, so i just follow the crowd to there.. hha.. ya.. when i'm and the verge to go in, uncle called.. haha.. phew~ lucky mi, no need to go in liaoz.. and also dun wish to go in.. ya.. my uncle came and fetched mi back home! wahha.. free ride..bleahz~ yupz.. reached home ard 4.. yupz.. sittting here till now.. tired.. gonna watch my scv soon.. whaha.. yupz.. so update later bahz.. ciaoz~

Thursday, May 26, 2005

miss her

miss her

miss u so much,
miss ur msgs,
miss ur calls,
miss the days we spent b4,
miss the drinks we drank b4,
miss those bars we went b4,
miss those clubs we went b4,
really miss u badly,
miss u so much.

fresh day

fresh day!

yeah~ its a nice day to start with today! yupz! went supper ytd nitez.. met jw at jln kayu for coffee.. ya.. then we sat and ordered 2 kampong fried rice, a thai chilli chicken and 2 bandung from cafetela.. the thai chicken very nice... crispy and crunchy... covered with sweet chilli sauce.. yum~ as well as the fried rice.. special recipe.. taste good too.. as well as the bandung~ hehe.. yupz.. after eating half way, suddenly, we was shocked! shit! we calculated the sum, and we look at each other, asking how much we brought! DAMN! after calculated the sum, we still SHORT of 10 bucks! wahhaa... damn! *panicked* dunno wad to do!! there's no atm ard here... the nearest is quite far away from there too.. yupz..in no other solution, we called ben to come over~ to help us foot the bill! whahha... poor ben, but anyway, thanks to him.. he really got dw there to help us.. whaha.. thanks lot! hehe.. ya.. when ben reached, after footin the bill, we went dw to punggol awhile to meet zell and daniel.. yupz.. sitting there chit chatting awhile.. ya.. reached home ard 2.45 am.. just in time to watch the champions league! haha.. ya.. washed up already, lie on bed watching the match, despite of my tireness, my eye lid slowly shutting dw.. not long after the match started, mi fell asleep le.. hehe.. (>.<)
yupz.. woke up ard 10+ , feel so fresh~ ya.. see if vincent comin to my house anot.. mi cant go out.. need to wait for the SCV person to come and fix the cable box! whaha.. yea! got my SCV back again! haha.. ya.. so.. maybe tonight goin out for movie? hehe.. update later~ bye~

Wednesday, May 25, 2005



yupz.. can u guys out there comment on this skin? yea~ comment it on the tagboard



argh~ damn pissed off by my grandma~ argh!! wanna shout out!! ahhhh..!!! she actually cut off my wax comb! argh!!! 80 over bucks leh!!! argh!!! pissed off! damn it! i dunno how to fix it back le lor.. there's no way to FIX THAT FUCKING DAMN THING!!! argh!
haiz.. wad had done been done.. there's no where to fix it back le.. ya.. anwz... woke up ard 9+, kana woke by vincent's call! early morning ask mi go gym! haha.. ya.. drag myself up the bed.. but too bad.. fall back asleep.. whaha.. ya.. met him ard 12.. went to the yishun stadium's gym.. ya.. work out till ard 2+.. saw a babe there.. she is so sexy~ woo~ *drool* yea~ kinda in the mid 20s.. but she is so hot! haha.. ya.. anyway, she left before us.. yupz.. after the gym, went to northpoint again.. walk ard there.. see the changes there.. haha.. yupz.. alot of those ah lian ah bengz.. haha.. sianz 1/2.. so went to the central to eat chicken rice.. slack there.. after chicken rice, vincent went to buy goreng pisang! whaha.. so oily~ lolx.. then mi went to order fried wanton~ haha.. yum yum! haha.. yea~ so after that meal, got back home.. unpacked my things, then saw the WAXCOMB IS ON MY TABLE!!! ARGH!! poor wax comb~

Tuesday, May 24, 2005



shag out!! haha.. real shag today~till now, i think i have been awake for more than 24hrs le.. super shag~ went for mahjong session ytd late night.. hehe.. ya.. play all the way till today morning 6+, then went for breakfast then head home.. ya.. was till very awake.. reached home ard 7+. bought myself a strait times paper.. haha.. trying to get a job... but resulted nth.. haha.. ya.. (damn shag now.. so if there's any flaws ard, dun blame mi wor.. correct me! hehe.. >.< ) was waiting for zell's call the whole morning, planned to meet at 11 at harbourfront to sentosa.. but in the end, i called him and he is still SLEEPING! blurdy hell~ ya.. called him ard 10+ and still slpin.. sigh.. my mood to sentosa started to dull.. not as much excited as before.. ya.. as time passes, tireness starts to haunt mi.. ya.. force myself to be awake till 12+ then mi left home and head to sentosa.. yupz.. reached there ard 2+.. weather was fine.. only at first.. ya.. then slowly.. clouds started to cover the sun.. darkness fall.. as if it might rain anytime.. ya.. lied dw on my towel waiting for the sun to come out again.. but am disappointed.. yupz..
saw this 2 cute gal tanning just beside me.. thot of goin over to know them.. but contridiction stops mi from doin it.. ya.. not much interest in gals nowaday.. dunno y.. am i turning to gay soon? whaha.. NEVER! lolx.. ya.. its so bored to tann under the clouds.. yupz.. so we went over to the sunset bay to find some volleyball players and see if we could join in.. yupz.. but ended up, only mi and zell was playing only.. haha.. ya.. playing passin with each other.. time passes fast.. ya.. before dusk, we went to shower ourself.. yupz.. haiz.. can conclude that this is a disappointed trip to sentosa.. nth is there.. no sun, no gals and no competitors in vball.. so bored!! ya..head back to yishun via bus.. went to the central to eat our dinner.. had my fav dish.. the frog porridge! yea~ its delicious.. yum yum~ despite my eyes are closing.. hehe.. yupz.. after eating, went to northpoint for a walk.. yupz.. now, reached home le.. so tired. very tired.. gonna fall asleep anytime.. yupz.. zZzzZzZzzz...

Monday, May 23, 2005

boring day

boring day

yea~ its a boring day today~ spending my whole day slacking at home... sigh.. my phone is quiet~ no msgs no calls... making mi feels like i'm neglected from this world.. watching police academy 2 this noon.. its a nice show.. a comedy show.. yupz.. watch halfway fell aslp... ya.. woek up ard 9 plus.. muse called and chat.. ya.. after that.. online online and online..

granny bday~

granny bday~

yupz... talking abt ytd first.. hmm.. ya.. its a very long day for mi ytd... woke up ard 11+ and prepared for the lion dance thingy~ sianz 1/2~ but bo pian.. had to go.. the venue of the performance was at the jurong there.. argh~ when we reached there.. everything was kinda smooth i guess.. yupz.. just those normal moves and normal steps.. everything lasted till ard 4+.. my backache starts to attack mi again~ argh~ *pain* ya.. anwz... after the performance, quickly i rushed back home to bath... cuz i'm already later to reach my aunt's house to celebrate my granny's bday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANNY!! shit~ everyone was there when i reached. yupz.. very exhausted~ very tired~ yupz.. got myself a drink.. sat dw and rest.. yupz.. most of them were playing mahjong there.. haha.. ya.. am sitting dw and waiting for my turn to come~ haha.. yupz.. finally~ haha.. got a place liaoz.. yupz.. mi go over and sit dw.. yupz.. at first my luck was bad.. geez~ lost ard 100+ at first.. ya.. slowly slowly.. am too slpy.. really.. all of them are quite slow.. haha. that makes my eyes closing.. ya.. anw.. mi slowly win back abit.. ended up mi only lost 10+ haha.. yea! lucky me! -.-" haha.. yupz.. just after a round of mahjong session, no ppl playin liaoz. yupz.. so mi head back home with dad... yupz.. reached home ard 10+ ytd.. i cannot take it already.. the first thing mi reached home is straight away~ BOOM! on my bed~ KO... haha.. yupz.. even without washing my face.. *eeeks* ya i know.. hehe.. but am too tired to move le.. ya.. till today morning, got up ard 8.. yupz.. cant slp le.. eaten my breakfast.. updating my blog now.. nth other to do le.. ya.. all my friends still slpin.. haha.. nth to do~~

Sunday, May 22, 2005



*yawn* phew... yea~ a brand new day have started today for mi! i've just woke up~ haha.. hope my bio time could change back...(which i always wish to) haha.. yea~ ytd... phone keep ringing when i'm still asleep~ am too tired to answer them all too.. ya.. dragged myself to get up ard 9+ to meet niza~ ya..reached tpy b4 10.. am too early! haha.. ya.. so i walked ard and walked pass the another outlet.. ya.. saw lotsa excolleague.. haha.. saw jasmine too.. cool~ she changed quite alot.. haha.. cant even reconized her at first sight.. yupz.. anw.. mi walked back to my old outlet and sitted outside to wait for that "princess".. haha.. yupz.. guess wad, i saw jiang! cool.. so coincident! i was like thinking of her then i msged her askin where she is.. suddenly, she just walked pass mi! ahhaa.. so funny~ oh ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JIANG! yea~ her birthday is on the 22nd, same as my grandma~ yupz..anwz... after niza finished everything, we went to jln kayu to eat.. yupz.. ordered the ice-cream prata~ yummy~ ya.. and a cheese prate~yummy~ haha.. and last but not least, milo DINOSAUR! haha.. yeah~ those make up my supper! haha.. ya.. after the supper, went to meet up so friends for mahjong session! yea, mahjong! haha.. its been a long long while since i last touch mahjong~ haha. yupz.. results turn up it was not bad~ hmm.. ya.. then after that went to had supper again! haha. cuz too hungry le.. ya.. reached home ard 5.30am.. washed up.. online, then i saw my bill! kaoz! the bill scared me seh~ bloody hell.. $679!!!! fuck! how the hell am i goin to pay this shit?!?! damn! getting troubled by this~ haiz...

Saturday, May 21, 2005



yeah~ went party last night at the condo AGAIN! wahha.. well.. kinda sick of the place le.. so bored there.. everytime drink drink drink.. sigh.. anw.. drank a full cup of barcadi neat at a shot! wahhaa.. yeah~ a shot! haha.. after that, getting high! getting tipsy~ yea~ playin the drinking game till morning ard 7+.. ya.. went to play basketball there.. haha.. i was like feelin so blur.. whole body like so soft~ its like i can be taken down even by a baby! haha.. the hangover starts.. after the ball game, we went to swimming early morning~ which i dun even had enough slp ytd nitez.. argh... after the swim.. got back to the condo.. straight away, mi lies flat on the floor.. head is spinnin.. dozin off.. due to my lack of slpness.. yea~ the hangover is terible.. stretch all the way when i reached home~ argh~ despite of my hangover, mi gettin hungry.. miss my ytd's maggi which i didnt finished.. haha.. ya.. so mi got up and cook the same thing again~ whaha.. yea~ am eatin now.. hhaa.. ya.. goin to slp soon i guess.. tonight meeting niza for supper after her work.. yupz.. *yawn* okok~ mi gtg for now.. goin to finish up my mee and slp le.. update later if there's time yea? ahha.. "nitez" hahha... ZzZzZzzzz...

Friday, May 20, 2005



sigh.. such a tiring day~ ytd night ard 10+ when i'm watching my fav LOTR, jiawei called... sigh~ ask mi to go for a drink at a pub near by.. ya.. still have half bottle of balance there.. so we dropped by there to finish up.. ya.. after that went to have supper near my place.. ya.. ordered a "mutabak" but cannot even finish half of it! sick~ the more i eat to more i feel to puke~ haha.. *not DRUNK!* just dun feel like eatin le.. yupz.. after the supper, went to punggol end to find zell,my bro.ya.. went rounding there.. bored.. hang out till ard 4+ then reached home ard 5.. ya..
strange.. am not feelin tired at all.. feeling very energetic.. yeah! watched naruto in the middle of the night b4 i went to slp.. haha.. unfortunately, after watching it, thot that i'll be tired.. but NO! mi more energetic! lolx.. (kinda crazy) haha.. lied dw on my bed.. turn on my fav LOTR AGAIN!!! wahhaa.. yea~ watch it till morning ard 7++.. then thinking of my dad gonna wake up soon~ quickly turned it off! hahaa.. (to prevent him from naggin at me!) bleahz~ yupz.. so trying to slp at that time.. tossing and turning.. dad went out to work.. mi still cant slp!! haiz.. enuff of tossin and turning.. pull myself up to cook maggi for breakfast~ lolx.. ya.. after cookin it and place it infront of my com, with extra ingredients, ready for my delicious breakfast, suddenly.... *ring ring* sigh.. early mornin got call? i picked it up.. heard.. "eh... are u coming to the course briefing in sch later? the briefin starts at 9.30am..." FU*K!!!! it was 9 now and i haven had my breakfast and mi still in my running shorts!! and the briefing is at 9.30! FU*K!!! super rush sial.. change and eat at the same time.. lolx.. mi didnt finished my mee and mi got out le.. sigh.. stomach grumbling~ rushing my way to NYP! argh..
when i reached there.. damn! i opened the door.. i'm the last onE! everyone is looking at mi!! damn paiseh sia.. haha.. finally got myself settled dw...ya.. its so bored.. mi sit there msgin and using mobile msn~ haha.. ya.. msgin my jie~ haha.. (oh ya! i got my first and only jie today! ahhaa) yupz.. finally.. finished the whole briefing le.. ya.. met serena while waiting for muse~ yupz.. meeting muse for lunch~ after that, mi went to the bridge there and wait for her, chatting on fone with a old pal.. suddenly... *OUCH* a heavy punch on my back! hit my bone! ouch! gonna turn back and fu*k the person le! then i saw her! MUSE! haha.. anger losen.. haha.. that really hurts~ haha.. ya.. went to have lunch with her after that painful punch on my shoulder blade~ ya..she looks very cheerful and hapi today! haha.. think she got too much slp and rest le.. haha.. yupz.. after the lunch.. sent her back to office.. and went to meet my ex classmates for lunch AGAIN! and talkcock~ but mi didnt eat, just drink my fav, teh peng~ haha ya.. till now.. mi still haven slp.. *yawn* tired.. but dun feel like slpin.. zZzZz...
*bish!* cannot slp! haha.. yupz.. maybe goin out later again.. sigh.. getting tired of night life.. sianz..goin to drink again~ sigh.. goin bankrupt.. haiz.. zZzZzzz...

Thursday, May 19, 2005



yea~ morning guys! haha.. its really early.. ppl goin to work, student ready to study and i'm here now bloggin at this hour! haha.. anw.. just got back home~ from black AGAIN! argh~ haha.. kinda sick of that place but overall its still fun! lolx.. got pulled there by all my chiongster friends.. phew~ actually dun wish to go, but by popular demands, i still need to be there~ ahha.. even i gave the worse excuse.. "erm.. i no money leh.. dun wish to go.." they actually offered to pay for mE! ha.. then y not? haha.. yupz.. danced the whole night... quite shag but still wanna watch my LOTR later! haha.. too engross to it le.. haha.. yupz.. saw her again at black with jeanie just now~ the stonnin reaction came again~ argh~ shocked to see her there too.. but still the same, not dare to go over to her to say even a hi, which i wish to.. yupz.. seeing her enjoying herself.. mi dun wish to spoil her mood.. so.. mi just back off and join back with my friends.. yeah! >.<

ps: muse, eat more choco and be happy!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005



hey guys.. sorry abt ytd didnt post my entry... haha.. had been slpin the whole afternoon.. haha.. slept till ard 5 plus.. yeah.. 5 plus.. damn shag.. wake up also nth to do.. rather spend those time on my warmly bed.. haha.. yupz.. went out ytd nite.. to the condo AGAIN~ haha.. this time is went there to celebrate my friend's bday.. yupz.. when i'm on my way there, muse called mi.. spidey sense telling mi something is not right with her.. hmm.. tryin to cheer her up with all i can but it just seems dun work it out.. hmm.. think she is real sadden.. real hurt.. so... eat more choco and be hapi! haha.. yupz.. thats the word u gave me b4.. now using it back for u yea? haha.. yupz.. after hung up with her, went to join my friend's game.. haha.. its like kinda stupid game but its fun! made the bday boy drink quite alot.. yupz.. after a few round of stupid game, things started to get bored.. ya.. nth to do.. so i continue to watch my LOTR! haha.. yea.. its know.. oh ya, if muse didnt tell mi, i havent realise that the elf is actually Orlando Bloom! ahha.. ya.. thanks gal~ haha.. yupz.. then the rest of my friends start playing monopoly! haha.. yea.. monopoly! can u imagine? 18yrs old guys playing that??!! haha.. ya.. anyway, that game lasted them till today morning 7+ am.. haha.. childish bunch of guys.. haha..yupz.. after that, we gathered and sit dw and talk abt funny things.. haha.. ya.. went back ard 9am.. yupz.. just got home.. shag but dun feel like slpin.. am chatting with muse online now.. feels that she is still sad.. she is still depressed.. sadden.. come on gal, cheer up! tomolo is always a better day! my line will always open for u to help to cheer u up! haha.. yupz.. here comes again.. to black tonite or not? thats is the question! haha

Monday, May 16, 2005



BORED!! so tired.. feelin so weak now.. as in physically.. ya.. went to a frend's condo ytd.. its a empty house.. no one is in there.. ya.. went over there with a few buddies.. slack there.. nth to do sia... ard midnight, we played cards and drink.. haha.. ya.. drink quite alot.. all are mad sia.. 4 person finished a bottle of tequila with 20mins.. ahaha.. yea~ 20 mins.. haha.. ended up all drunk and vomit! hahah... ya.. watching LOTR in drunken state.. haha.. strez.. yupz.. dozed off till today morning.. bloody calvin woke mi up so early sia! woke up so early nth to do sia.. ya.. but feeling very hungry.. so went to cooked instant noodle.. ya.. after that went back to slp again~ haha ya.. then woke up ard 3+ ... wake up le still nth to do.. haha.. continue watching LOTR again.. haha.. sianz.. wanna get out of there quick sia.. haha.. ya.. finally.. 8+, came back with calvin.. totally exhausted when reached home sia.. faster went to bath and then find things to eat.. haha.. ya.. till now.. think the hangover is still there sia.. haha.. strez..
yupz.. read muse blog.. sigh.. i'm wonderin again.. wad i did at black last sat izzit rite? why she criticise mi till like this? feel kinda discriminated.. feel like i'm the only one who always spoil her day... sigh.. being in r/s is hard.. thot being friends will be easier but still.. its hard to please her too... but i dun blame her.. yupz..

Sunday, May 15, 2005

muse star !

muse star !

yeah~ another party night at black again! haha.. yupz.. but before goin to the black, went to BQ first.. its vincent's birthday.. yupz.. so.. drop by there and have some drink there... yupz.. saw several sec sch friends.. and also wei wei, buddy. yupz.. after slacking awhile there, muse msged me.. haha.. tellin me she's in black!! WTH! haha.. sick yet still wanna chiong.. haha.. yupz.. calynn msged mi too.. asking mi to hurry to black.. haha.. yeah.. it was like rainin cats and dogs that time.. ya.. so had to wait for the rain to be smaller to leave BQ..
yupz.. reached black... blerdy hell! the queue damn fukin long sial! haha.. sigh.. yupz.. but luckily, saw calynn still dwstair.. haha.. yeah..plannin a plot to hijack the queue... haha.. yupz.. accompany her into the building's queue despite of the long queue outside, we come in first! haha.. hide from bouncer~ haha.. yupz.. exciting.. thanks calynn!
ya.. saw muse at near the toilet.. haha.. got pinched on my nose again~ haha.. yupz.. went dw to join calynn for drink after that.. ya.. was playing five-ten with her and her friend.. yupz.. haha.. making her drink so much.. lolx.. feel guilty~ -.- but who careS! this is club, not kindergarden! haha.. yupz.. R&B started! haha.. thot of muse.. haha.. went to invite her to dance together~ haha.. yeah~ she is still hot~ haha.. yeah~ pole dancer~ haha.. lolx.. yupz.. she is the dancing queen ytd~ yeah~ haha.. yupz.. after that.. i send her back to her kor there.. ya.. awhile later, she msged mi she was DRUNK?!?! haha.. cant believe that~ haha.. but she dun seems so.. haha..yupz.. saw her at the cushion there le.. dun bother to disturb her anymore.. yupz..
left the club at five.. went to mac to slack till 6.. haha.. yupz.. board the cab and headed yishun and then... home sweet home.. haha.. am so tired after the whole night of dancin! haha.. yupz.. fell asleep at 7.30am ya.. woke up at 12.15pm.. chat with my "tai tai" haha.. yeah.. she is funny! haha.. yupz.. then didnt slp back le.. yawn.. so tired now... (>.<) ...

Saturday, May 14, 2005



choco for me? haha.. i'll still take some.. lolx.. just some.. haha.. thanks muse.. quite happy to resolve everything with her.. nice to have her back as friend.. ya.. but still missing her.. wish to have her back too.. but i know its tough.. so... assume nothing expect everything ... haha.. still trying to get her back in contact.. phew.. thinking of it.. "tough" appears again.. haha.. wadeva~ ya.. will still try to get contact with her.. yupz.. still stuck at home.. dunno when to go out.. goin to BQ for a friend's bday.. then shift to black? bored~ yupz.. she's happy as before.. am glad.. despite her sickness.. got worried for her.. drink more water ya? eat less heaty stuff.. stressing abt html? haha.. i'll try my best to help u with all i can.. yupz.. willing to lend u a helpin hand.. haha.. but there's a condition.. thats is correct my english if there's any mistake ya? haha yupz.. *ring ring* opps.. fone rang.. haha.. jyeah~ meeting my buddies soon~ yupz.. thats all folks.. update again tomolo~
ps: stay happy always! thats U!




yupz.. went to zouk ytd night.. oh man, the crowd sux! the music sux! haha.. thats not a place for me! full time house music there! argh~ after zouk, went to phuture, the music there seems getting mi into in, but despite of the crowd, it bored mi again~ it was so squeesy! no place for u to dance! most are india! everywhere u see, u see BLACK! haha.. (not racist) lolx.. yupz.. the whole place there is bad.. got bored! stayed there till ard half past one... shifted to chinablack... damn.. wasted the entrance fee of $28 bucks! well... anyway, ya.. got to black.. yeah~ black is the kinda place for me! R&B! haha.. everyone rox there! yeah.. love the crowd there.. yupz.. partying at black till ard four plus.. went dw to the mac for a bite.. yupz.. rest there.. till five plus.. thot of continue at black.. haha.. when i got there.. music still stompin the place there! still thot party is goin on.. who knows.. when i decended from the stairs, not a SINGLE SOUL on the dance floor! wahhaa.. in the end, went to the toilet and got back dw.. haha.. ya.. slack till 6am when the national anthem played over the mac's fm, we went off.. and then.. home sweet home...

the end

the end...

yupz.. i know she's reading my blog everyday.. when she's infront of the pc.. i didnt mean to hurt her in anyway.. if i did, i would like to apologise.. yupz.. she admitted that she still need him.. not me.. i'm not sadden by this.. i think i've got over it.. no more pain for me.. sometimes i'm thinkin.. wad if the history repeats again.. how will i react? sigh... ya.. sort of didnt contact muse for somedays.. saw her in my msn list.. contridiction stops me from msgin her.. dun wish to stress her again...let her free.. let her be happy.. yupz..thinks she is happy.. living with the days without me.. yupz.. kinda got twisted by this... one side of me telling mi to move on but the other side, tell me i'm still hurting.. ha.. i dunno wad do i wan too.. but i know one thing, i've enuff of the burning hell.. i've enuff.. gonna climbed up.. to a place in the middle of heaven and hell which ppl call it earth.. gonna start over again.. start from the starting point again.. start over again to find my path of way.. the way i wan it to be.. yupz.. hopes she's happy.. she will be joyful as she was in the past.. thanks for giving mi some happy days before.. hopes still can be friends.. despite all the things i wrote sometimes.. it may sound harsh, therefore.. i've no face to see u again..
glad that every chaotic time of mine for now is over.. sun is shinnin now.. squintin through it to search for my path again... angels on earth.. show me the path~~

Friday, May 13, 2005



despite the tireness.. i sat and rest... yupz... went to chinablack ytd.. with some old time buddies to chill there.. yupz.. those sadness are still in me.. never expect to enjoy either.. yupz.. when i'm goin in the queue line, suddenly, a pair of hair tapped on my shoulder.. with a deep voice.. i turned back.. SHIT! its philips.. its wanling's colleague! i'm shocked to see him here.. had a conversation with him.. ya.. the conversation goes well till... he told me she is comin! god damn it.. i was stunned! feelin lost again.. i mean i'm like.. mmmm.... i mean i wanna see her.. i miss her.. but.. i'm not prepared.. i wanna explain all the things.. i wanna say sorry.. i know my mistakes... i'll plead for her forgiveness...
i feel like i'm near the split junction.. had an angel guilding mi from hell.. tellin mi that i'm near the junction.. i'm happy.. as well as scared..
yupz.. when i'm in the club..lookin towards where they are sitting.. i saw her.. she still look as cheerful as last time.. but.. she also looks abit tensed up.. i know she dun wish to see mi.. but i'm deperate to see her and tell her the whole story.. tell her that i'm sorry..
i saw the path! the path is infront of me! y cant i go towards it? y? my feet had sunk dw in the burnin ground of the burnin ground.. fightin within myself.. i wanna confront her.. but i cant.. i can only stand in far distance to look and admire her.. sadden.. she didnt reply my msg.. i really need to go back to the path..
argh~~ its too hot in this burning hell for mi to continue.. i'm totally exhausted.. fatigue.. eventually.. i fainted.. eyes closed up again...darkness...



discovered.. discovered a new path out of this path to hell.. is this the right path?
yupz.. planned to met her for lunch in sch.. she agreed.. i'm glad.. thot all the chaotic time had passed.. i'm wrong.. at the very night, she cancelled the appointment with me.. thot it is ok, but... its wrong.. its not ok.. things eventually got bad.. after a few msgs of voice out, we brk up.. when she sent mi the brk up msg, i did not feel much now as i'm already numb.. didnt try to hold her back.. i know i cant.. cuz i'm thinking of the other path... i'm guilty.. i wanna turn back.. walk back this torturin path and head to junction which split this journey's path... i wanna go back.. i wan.. despite the pain i got in this path, i can only turn and look back... the journey back is far.. i needa rest before i can continue this chaotic path back.. i sat dw.. rest... from the bottom of my heart.. there fills with happiness and sadness.. happy to know that i can get out of this path now.. sadness is that will i reach to the other path? i'm regret.. regret taking this path.. regret..



finally... i'm back.. feels great as i know that i'll be seeing her for breakfast before she went to work. deep inside mi feel happy.. forgot abt the chaotic happened the day before.. yupz..
the path seems brightened up at this very moment... i saw her.. back in my arms again.. thot everything is ok now.. who knows... thot it'll be strugglin out of the gate of hell.. but who knows.. its another stage of hell...
met her after her work.. went to the beach.. chill there.. feelin very tensed up.. somehow my spidey sense tellin mi something is not rite.. things start to fade.. not as close as before.. spent a few hours there.. very tensed up to share anything with her.. just kept slient.. sec by sec, mins by mins, hours by hours.. she had to work the next day... so gotta send her back home.. ya..
reached her doorstep.. turned dw a gd bye kiss.. and mi left with disappointment as well as sadness.. thinkin the frenchin things again.. sigh.. pain pierce through my heart.. my body feel numb..
reached home.. she msged mi.. with lotsa explaination which i dun think it links.. dun think it links to the frenchin the guy things...
images keep repeating... over and over again.. fillin liqour into my tiring body from hell.. as the liqour flows in my body, i started to felt numb.. numb to feel anything.. only drops of tears rollin dw my burnin red cheek.. i was too numb to feel anything.. saw a bed infront of mi.. exhausted.. tired.. tired of this path.. closed my eyes.. brings me to darkness again...

sucky sunday

sucky sunday...

finally... this sunday is my last stay from the distance... thinkin of goin back to her side every moment.. called her in the morning.. she was havin hangover.. her head is spinnin... my heart is worrying... she told mi wad's happenin the previous night.. my heart dropped.. time froze.. was stunned.. she went frenchin with a guy! fuck it~ who in this world would allow this happen to his own gf? kissin huggin behind ur back... no way! she expect mi to take it.. never.. i cant take it.. but had to put a mask on mi.. to let her know i can take it.. but the fact is i cant.. miserable sunday.. passin every mins every sec.. my heart is peelin.. shattered.. smashed.. dust.. but i tell myself.. i MUST take it.. to overcome it..

Thursday, May 12, 2005



distance love... distance... this is the most hardest things to happen in a r/s.. no man in this world can really go on with distance love.. its hard.. i missed her lots.. i hope she can be with mi there.. despite the distance.. i called her everyday.. checkin out wads she's doin everyday.. so that i wun let her feel that i've forgot her.. makin assure that i'm always thinking of her despite the distance..because of the timezone.. got up in the middle of the night to give her a call.. but am i doin the wrong thing? hope i'm not..
the days i spent there looks good.. but in the inner of me, i felt something is amiss.. as days goes by, distance between mi and her also seems getting further and further.. things are drifting apart... apart...



although the journey started nice.. sweet.. somehow.. there is always a shadow infront of me.. i know i cant live in the shadow forever.. being in the shadow suffocate me..i need to breate..
to make things out, not to let her worried, i have to live with the shadow and learn how to breath from it.. i've tried.. very hard..
because of not letting the shadow to takeover me, i put in all my love, my care, my passion to her.. providin her with strength and love.. with every love and strength i have in me till i'm totally drained out..
despite all this... things started off well.. very well.. till that very moment of a day...
i'm departing from her, from the place i live.. to another place to do visitin.. it's a must.. i cant reject this trip.. tears seem roll out from the inside of my heart rather then from my eyes... cuz i dun wan to show her my tears... the pain is outrageous inside me.. suddenly.. i feel something.. its her gentle lips.. falls on my forehead.. telling me to take care and she'll wait for mi to be back.. eventually.. the pain in me froze up.. its just like a healing kiss to me.. ease mi from the pain...
so i braced myself up.. walk through the departure gate.. when i passed the gate, i turn back and look at her... she turned back too.. leaving the place... i looked closely again... god damn it... the gate is not the departure gate i wan.. its a hell gate! burning me later on... i regret walking pass the gate.. really regret..

i've settled myself in the plane..but it dun seems like a plane.. its like a ride to hell in a more faster way..cant get into slp.. the pic of her keeps replaying over and over again my head.. scare to lose her despite the distance...but things really goin to the wrong track as time goes by.. bit by bit.. and losin everything in a single mth...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

feeling lost...

feeling lost...

i'm new to this blog. i dunno why did i start this blog. the feeling,the lonliness,the pain,the emotion inside of me. i cant really share out with others... i need my space to shout out my pain,my fear,my thots,my everything..

i dun care whether u like it or not..read it or not... my posts r not meant for u to know my events happenening ard me... my posts are to let the inside mi to speak, to breathe..

the tough journey starts with two decision.. i've chosen one of the path... never regret taking the path..telling myself i'll go with this path with determination and shower this path with love and care despite the toughness of this path..the path is brighten up with lights.. these lights gave mi confident and strength to over come the toughness of it...
after travelling this path for awhile.. something is wrong with it... more and more fear appears... the more i travel the more pain started to conquer mi..
then i realised.. this whole journey is damn fuking wrong... this path is wrong.. i've reached the dead end of it! thot that this is a never ending path but its not....